Java Reference
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To demonstrate ReadWriteLock in action, I wrote the business logic portion of a web-based
voting application. It could be used in voting for candidates or for the more common web
poll. Presuming that you display the results on the home page and change the data only when
somebody takes the time to click a response to vote, this application fits one of the intended
criteria for ReadWriteLock —i.e., that you have more readers than writers. The main class,
ReadersWritersDemo , is shown in Example 22-11 . The helper class BallotBox is online; it
simply keeps track of the votes and returns a read-only Iterator upon request. Note that in
the run( ) method of the reading threads, you could obtain the iterator while holding the
lock but release the lock before printing it; this allows greater concurrency and better per-
formance, but could (depending on your application) require additional locking against con-
current update.
Example 22-11.
public class
class ReadersWriterDemo
ReadersWriterDemo {
private static
static final
final int
public static
static void
void main ( String [] args ) {
new ReadersWriterDemo (). demo ();
/** Set this to true to end the program */
private volatile
volatile boolean
boolean done = false
false ;
/** The data being protected. */
private BallotBox theData ;
/** The read lock / write lock combination */
private ReadWriteLock lock = new
new ReentrantReadWriteLock ();
* Constructor: set up some quasi-random initial data
public ReadersWriterDemo () {
List < String > questionsList = new
new ArrayList <>();
questionsList . add ( "Agree" );
questionsList . add ( "Disagree" );
questionsList . add ( "No opinion" );
theData = new
new BallotBox ( questionsList );
* Run a demo with more readers than writers
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