Java Reference
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Figure 22-3. BuzzInServlet in action
The game show host has access to an HTML form with a POST method, which calls the
doPost() method. This displays the winner to the game show host and resets the “buzzer”
for the next question. A password is provided; it's hardcoded here, but in reality the pass-
word would come from a properties file ( Storing Strings in Properties and Preferences ) or a
servlet initialization parameter (as described in Java Servlet Programming [O'Reilly]):
<html><head><title> Reset Buzzer </title></head>
<h1> Display Winner </h1>
<b> The winner is: </b>
<form method= "post" action= "servlet/BuzzInServlet" >
<input type= "hidden" name= "command" value= "show" >
<input type= "hidden" name= "password" value= "syzzy" >
<input type= "submit" name= "Show" value= "Show" >
<h1> Reset Buzzer </h1>
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