Java Reference
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ServletContext application = getServletContext ();
boolean iWon = false
false ;
String user = request . getRemoteHost () + '@' + request . getRemoteAddr ();
// Do the synchronized stuff first, and all in one place.
synchronized ( application ) {
iif ( application . getAttribute ( WINNER ) == null
null ) {
application . setAttribute ( WINNER , user );
application . log ( "BuzzInServlet: WINNER " + user );
iWon = true
true ;
response . setContentType ( "text/html" );
PrintWriter out = response . getWriter ();
out . println ( "<html><head><title>Thanks for playing</title></head>" );
out . println ( "<body bgcolor=\"white\">" );
iif ( iWon ) {
out . println ( "<b>YOU GOT IT</b>" );
// TODO - output HTML to play a sound file :-)
} else
else {
out . println ( "Thanks for playing, " + request . getRemoteAddr ());
out . println ( ", but " + application . getAttribute ( WINNER ) +
" buzzed in first" );
out . println ( "</body></html>" );
/** The Post method is used from an Administrator page (which should
* only be installed in the instructor/host's localweb directory).
* Post is used for administrative functions:
* 1) to display the winner;
* 2) to reset the buzzer for the next question.
public void
void doPost ( HttpServletRequest request , HttpServletResponse response )
throws ServletException , IOException
ServletContext application = getServletContext ();
response . setContentType ( "text/html" );
HttpSession session = request . getSession ();
PrintWriter out = response . getWriter ();
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