Java Reference
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But what if your thread is blocked reading from a network connection? You then cannot
check a Boolean, because the thread that is reading is asleep. This is what the stop method
was designed for, but, as we've seen, it is now deprecated. Instead, you can simply close the
socket. The program shown in Example 22-8 intentionally deadlocks itself by reading from a
socket that you are supposed to write to, simply to demonstrate that closing the socket does
in fact terminate the loop.
Example 22-8.
public class
class StopClose
StopClose extends
extends Thread {
protected Socket io ;
public void
void run () {
try {
io = new
new Socket ( "" , 80 );
BufferedReader is = new
new BufferedReader (
new InputStreamReader ( io . getInputStream ()));
System . out . println ( "StopClose reading" );
// The following line will deadlock (intentionally), since HTTP
// enjoins the client to send a request (like "GET / HTTP/1.0")
// and a null line, before reading the response.
String line = is . readLine ();
// Should only get out of the readLine if an interrupt
// is thrown, as a result of closing the socket.
// So we shouldn't get here, ever:
System . out . printf ( "StopClose FINISHED after reading %s!?" , line );
} catch
catch ( IOException ex ) {
System . out . println ( "StopClose terminating: " + ex );
public void
void shutDown () throws
throws IOException {
iif ( io != null
null ) {
// This is supposed to interrupt the waiting read.
synchronized ( io ) {
io . close ();
System . out . println ( "StopClose.shutDown() completed" );
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