Java Reference
In-Depth Information
v = new
new Vector < Sprite >(); // multithreaded, use Vector
public void
void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) {
System . out . println ( "Creat-ing another one!" );
Sprite s = new
new Sprite ( this
this , img );
s . start ();
p . add ( s );
v . add ( s );
public void
void stop () {
for ( int
int i = 0 ; i < v . size (); i ++) {
v . get ( i ). stop ();
v . clear ();
Stopping a Thread
You need to stop a thread.
Don't use the Thread.stop() method; instead, use a boolean tested at the top of the main
loop in the run() method.
Though you can use the thread's stop() method, Sun recommends against it. That's because
the method is so drastic that it can never be made to behave reliably in a program with mul-
tiple active threads. That is why, when you try to use it, the compiler will generate depreca-
tion warnings. The recommended method is to use a boolean variable in the main loop of
the run() method. The program in Example 22-7 prints a message endlessly until its
shutDown() method is called; it then sets the controlling variable done to false, which ter-
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