Java Reference
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Preparing a Class as a JavaBean
You have a class that you would like to install as a JavaBean.
Make sure the class meets the JavaBeans requirements; create a JAR file containing the
class, a manifest, and any ancillary entries.
Several kinds of Java components are called either Beans or JavaBeans:
▪ Visual components for use in GUI builders, as discussed in this chapter.
▪ Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs), or components meant for reuse.
▪ Java Enterprise has “Enterprise JavaBeans” (EJBs), “JSP JavaBeans,” “JSF managed
Beans,” and “CDI Beans,” containing features for building enterprise-scale applications.
Creating and using Java EE components is more involved than regular JavaBeans and
would take us very far afield, so they are not covered in this topic. When you need to
learn about enterprise functionality, turn to Java EE 7 Essentials by Arun Gupta
▪ The Spring Framework also uses the term “Beans” for the objects it manages.
What all these types of beans have in common are certain naming paradigms. All public
properties should be accessible by get/set accessor methods. For a given property Prop of
type Type , the following two methods should exist (note the capitalization):
public Type getProp( );
public void setProp(Type)
The one commonly permitted variance to this pattern is that, for boolean or Boolean argu-
ments, the “get” method is usually called isProp() rather than getProp() .
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