Java Reference
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Figure 21-2. Mac OS Jar Bundler (OS X 10.3.2 version)
Applet Specifics
jar up the applet and supporting files into a single JAR file. Deploy the JAR file in place of
the class file on the web server. Use <applet code="MyClass "
archive="MyAppletJar.jar " …> .
Once you've deployed the JAR file on the web server in place of the class file, you need to
refer to it in the applet tag in the HTML. The syntax for doing this is to use an
archive= " name of jar file " attribute on the applet tag.
You can also store other resources such as GIF images for use by the applet. You can then
use getResource() instead of trying to open the file directly; see Step 5 in the sidebar in
Java Web Start .
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