Java Reference
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String name = av [ i ];
new XmlForm ( name ). convert ( true
true );
msg . close ();
The actual MIF generator GenMIF is not shown here—it's not really XML-related—but is
included in the javasrc code package.
See Also
XML-related technology continues to evolve. New APIs (and acronyms!) continue to appear.
XML-RPC, REST services, and SOAP let you build distributed applications known as web
services using XML and HTTP as the program interchange. JAX-WS is a Java EE API for
SOAP-based web services; JAX-RS for REST services (we covered the client side of these
in Chapter 13 ). The W3C has additional XML standards coming out. Several websites track
the changing XML landscape, including the official W3C site and O'Reilly's XML site .
For an interesting historical perspective on HTML and XML by the person who primarily in-
vented the Web and HTML, see Tim Berners-Lee's book, Weaving the Web (Harper).
Many books cover XML. These range from the simple XML: A Primer by Simon St.Laurent
to the comprehensive XML Bible by the prolific Elliotte Rusty Harold. In between is Learn-
ing XML by Erik T. Ray (O'Reilly). Java and XML by Brett McLaughlin and Justin Edelson
(O'Reilly) covers these topics in more detail and also covers XML publishing frameworks
such as Apache's Cocoon, and developing XML information channels using RSS, often used
for blogging.
[ 57 ] Although you can edit XML using vi , Emacs, Notepad, or simpletext, it is often considered prefer-
able to use an XML-aware editor. XML's structure is more complex, and parsing programs are far less
tolerant of picayune error, than was ever the case in the HTML world. XML files are kept as plain text
for debugging purposes, for ease of transmission across wildly incompatible operating systems, and (as
a last resort) for manual editing to repair software disasters.
[ 58 ] Previously from Frame Technologies, a company that Adobe ingested. See note in Preface .
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