Java Reference
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System . err . println ( ">>>Parsing " + fileName + "..." );
// Make the document a URL so relative DTD works.
String uri = "file:" + new
new File ( fileName ). getAbsolutePath ();
DocumentBuilderFactory factory =
DocumentBuilderFactory . newInstance ();
DocumentBuilder builder = factory . newDocumentBuilder ();
Document doc = builder . parse ( uri );
iif ( verbose )
System . err . println ( ">>>Walking " + fileName + "..." );
doRecursive ( doc );
} catch
catch ( Exception ex ) {
System . err . println ( "+============================+" );
System . err . println ( "| XTW Error |" );
System . err . println ( "+============================+" );
System . err . println ( ex . getClass ());
System . err . println ( ex . getMessage ());
System . err . println ( "+============================+" );
iif ( verbose ) {
System . err . println ( ">>>Done " + fileName + "..." );
/* Process all the nodes, recursively. */
protected void
void doRecursive ( Node p ) {
iif ( p == null
null ) {
return ;
NodeList nodes = p . getChildNodes ();
Debug . println ( "xml-tree" , "Element has " +
nodes . getLength () + " children" );
for ( int
int i = 0 ; i < nodes . getLength (); i ++) {
Node n = nodes . item ( i );
iif ( n == null
null ) {
continue ;
doNode ( n );
protected void
void doNode ( Node n ) {
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