Java Reference
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System . out . println ( "Person: " +
new String ( ch , start , length ));
person = false
false ;
} else
else iif ( email ) {
System . out . println ( "Email: " +
new String ( ch , start , length ));
email = false
false ;
When run against the people.xml file shown in Example 20-4 , it prints the listing:
$ $ java -cp $js/target/classes xml.SAXLister
Person: Ian Darwin
Person: Another Darwin
In version 2 of the XML DOM API, you can use the new XMLReaderFact-
ory.createXMLReader() . Incidentally, the SAX specification and code are maintained by
the SAX Project , not by Oracle. The no-argument form of createXMLReader() is expected
first to try loading the class defined in the system property org.xml.sax.driver , and if that
fails, to load an implementation-defined SAX parser. On extremely old versions, the Sun im-
plementation would simply throw an exception to the effect of System property
org.xml.sax.driver not specified . An overloaded form of createXMLReader() takes
the name of the parser as a string argument (e.g.,
" org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser " or
"org.apache.crimson.parser.XMLReaderImpl" ). This class name would normally be
loaded from a properties file (see Storing Strings in Properties and Preferences ) to avoid hav-
ing the parser class name compiled into your application.
One problem with SAX is that it is, well, simple, and therefore doesn't scale well, as you can
see by thinking about this program. Imagine trying to handle 12 different tags and doing
something different with each one. For more involved analysis of an XML file, the Docu-
ment Object Model (DOM) or the JDOM API may be better suited. (On the other hand,
DOM requires keeping the entire tree in memory, so there are scalability issues with very
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