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} else
else iif ( rest . startsWith ( "t" )) {
// Display one table. Some DatabaseMetaData implementations
// don't do ignorecase so, for now, convert to UPPERCASE.
String tableName = rest . substring ( 1 ). trim ();
iif ( upperCaseTableNames ) {
tableName = tableName . toUpperCase ();
System . out . println ( "-- Display table " + tableName );
DatabaseMetaData md = conn . getMetaData ();
ResultSet rs = md . getColumns ( null
null , tableName , "%" );
currentDecorator . displayTable ( tableName , rs );
textDecorator . flush ();
} else
null , null
throw new
new SyntaxException ( "\\d" + rest + " invalid" );
* @param rs
* @return
* @throws SQLException
private static
static CachedRowSet cacheResultSet ( ResultSet rs ) throws
throws SQLException {
CachedRowSet rows = null
null ; //new com.sun.rowset.WebRowSetImpl();
rows . populate ( rs );
return rows ;
/** Set the output to the given filename.
* @param fileName
public void
void setOutputFile ( String fileName ) throws
throws IOException {
iif ( fileName == null
null ) {
/* Set the output file back to System.out */
setOutputFile ( new
new PrintWriter ( System . out , true
true ));
} else
else {
File file = new
new File ( fileName );
setOutputFile ( new
true ));
System . out . println ( "Output set to " + file . getCanonicalPath ());
new PrintWriter ( new
new FileWriter ( file ), true
/** Set the output to the given Writer; immediately
* update the textDecorator so \dt works...
* @param writer
public void
void setOutputFile ( PrintWriter writer ) {
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