Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The program listed in Example 18-9 loads a text file format into a relational database. Note
that I optionally drop the table before creating it, just in case an older version was in place
(this is not the default behavior!). Then the program creates the table and its index. Finally, it
goes into a loop reading the lines from the text file; for each, a prepared statement is used to
insert the user's information into the database.
Example 18-9.
/** Load the database from text file into JDBC relational database.
* Text format is: name:password:fullname:city:prov:country:privs
public class
class TextToJDBC
TextToJDBC {
protected final
final static
static String TEXT_NAME = "users.txt" ;
protected final
final static
static String DB_URL = "jdbc:idb:userdb.prp" ;
protected static
static boolean
boolean dropAndReCreate = false
false ;
public static
static void
void main ( String [] fn ) throws
throws Exception {
BufferedReader is = new
new BufferedReader ( new
new FileReader ( TEXT_NAME ));
// Load the database driver
Class . forName ( "jdbc.idbDriver" );
System . out . println ( "Getting Connection" );
Connection conn = DriverManager . getConnection (
DB_URL , "admin" , "" );
// user, password
System . out . println ( "Creating Statement" );
Statement stmt = conn . createStatement ();
System . out . println ( "Re-creating table and index" );
iif ( dropAndReCreate )
stmt . executeUpdate ( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users" );
stmt . executeUpdate ( "CREATE TABLE users (\n" +
"name char(12) PRIMARY KEY,\n" +
"password char(20),\n" +
"fullName char(30),\n" +
"email char(60),\n" +
"city char(20),\n" +
"prov char(20),\n" +
"country char(20),\n" +
"privs int\n" +
")" );
stmt . executeUpdate ( "CREATE INDEX nickIndex ON users (name)" );
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