Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The Java 7 RowSetFactory has the static methods shown in Table 18-4 to create RowSet in-
stances. Prior to Java 7, you had to instantiate the corresponding “Impl” classes from the un-
supported com.sun.rowset package.
The CachedRowSet looks the most interesting and useful. In Example 18-8 , a CachedRowSet
is created and populated with setCommand() and execute() . Then (hypothetically some
time later) the user changes some data. After that is completed, we call updateRow() , which
tells the CachedRowSet to put the changes back into the JDBC database.
Example 18-8. CachedRowSetDemo
public class
class CachedRowSetDemo
CachedRowSetDemo {
public static
static void
void main ( String [] args ) throws
throws Exception {
RowSet rs ;
RowSetFactory rsFactory = RowSetProvider . newFactory ();
rs = rsFactory . createCachedRowSet ();
rs . setUrl ( "jdbc:postgresql:tmclub" );
rs . setUsername ( "ian" );
rs . setPassword ( "secret" );
rs . setCommand ( "select * from members where name like ?" );
rs . setString ( 1 , "I%" );
// This will cause the RowSet to connect, fetch its data, and
// disconnect
rs . execute ();
// Some time later, the client tries to do something.
// Suppose we want to update data:
while ( rs . next ()) {
iif ( rs . getInt ( "id" ) == 42 ) {
rs . setString ( 1 , "Marvin" );
rs . updateRow ();
// Normal JDBC
// This additional call tells the CachedRowSet to connect
// to its database and send the updated data back.
rs . updateRow ();
// If we're all done...
rs . close ();
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