Java Reference
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To create a JDBC query:
1. Load the appropriate Driver class, which has the side effect of registering with the
DriverManager .
2. Get a Connection object, using DriverManager.getConnection() :
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection (dbURL, name, pass);
3. Get a Statement object, using the Connection object's prepareStatement or cre-
ateStatement() :
Statement stmt = con.prepareStatement("select * from MyTable");
4. Get a ResultSet object, using the Statement object's executeQuery() :
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
5. Iterate over the ResultSet :
while ( )) {
int x = rs.getInt("CustNO");
6. Close the Statement .
7. Close the ResultSet .
8. If you are all done with it, close the Connection .
The first step in using JDBC is to load your database's driver. This is performed using some
Java JVM magic. The class java.lang.Class has a method called forName( ) that takes a
string containing the full Java name for a class and loads the class, returning a Class object
describing it. This is part of the introspection or reflection API (see Chapter 23 ), but can be
used any time to ensure that a class has been correctly configured into your CLASSPATH.
This is the use that we'll see here. And, in fact, part of the challenge of installing JDBC
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