Java Reference
In-Depth Information
"select p from Person p order by p.lastName" );
List < Person > list = query . getResultList ();
System . out . println ( "There are " + list . size () + " persons:" );
list . forEach ( p ->
System . out . println (
p . getFirstName () + ' ' + p . getLastName ())
} finally
finally {
iif ( entityManager != null
null )
entityManager . close ();
iif ( entityMgrFactory != null
null )
entityMgrFactory . close ();
Besides the annotations, only a bit of configuration is needed. To tell JPA how to access the
database, a configuration file named persistence.xml is loaded. This specifies one or more
persistence units —think of each of these as one set of classes and a relational database to
keep them in—and some other parameters: the JPA Provider to use, and either a JNDI re-
source or the database driver, URL, and username and password (details of JDBC parameters
are discussed in Connecting to a JDBC Database ). Here's the code you'll need:
<persistence xmlns= ""
xmlns:xsi= ""
xsi:schemaLocation= ""
version= "1.0" >
<persistence-unit name= "jpademo" >
<provider> org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence </provider>
<exclude-unlisted-classes> false </exclude-unlisted-classes>
<!-- Properties for Hibernate -->
<property name= "" value= "create-drop" //>
<property name= "hibernate.show_sql" value= "true" //>
<property name= "hibernate.format_sql" value= "false" //>
<property name= "hibernate.archive.autodetection" value= "class" //>
<property name= "hibernate.connection.driver_class"
value= "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" //>
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