Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Java annotations always appear directly before their target. The @Id (and many other prop-
erty annotations) can appear either on the field (e.g., private int id ) or on the get method
( getId() ), never on the set method. Within a given project, JPA requires you to be consist-
ent: either use field annotations or method annotations, but not both.
There are many annotations, and a full treatment of them is book-length, so consult any good
book on JPA or Hibernate for details.
Once you have annotated your entity classes, and created a bit of XML configuration, you
need to write code using either the JPA or Hibernate APIs to actually load or save data (see
Ian's Basic Steps: JPA ) .
Example 18-1 uses JPA to persist a simple entity object.
Example 18-1. JPASimple
public class
class JPASimple
JPASimple {
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
public static
static void
void main ( String [] args ) {
System . out . println ( "JPASimple.main()" );
EntityManagerFactory entityMgrFactory = null
null ;
EntityManager entityManager = null
null ;
try {
entityMgrFactory = Persistence . createEntityManagerFactory ( "jpademo" );
entityManager = entityMgrFactory . createEntityManager ();
EntityTransaction transaction = entityManager . getTransaction ();
transaction . begin ();
// Create an entity in the database.
Person np = new
new Person ( "Tom" , "Boots" );
System . out . println ( np );
entityManager . persist ( np );
transaction . commit ();
int id = np . getId ();
System . out . println ( "Created Person with Id " + id );
transaction = entityManager . getTransaction ();
transaction . begin ();
Query query = entityManager . createQuery (
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