Java Reference
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Mailer m = new
new Mailer ();
FileProperties props =
new FileProperties ( MailConstants . PROPS_FILE_NAME );
String serverHost = props . getProperty ( MailConstants . SEND_HOST );
iif ( serverHost == null
null ) {
JOptionPane . showMessageDialog ( parent ,
"\"" + MailConstants . SEND_HOST +
"\" must be set in properties" ,
"No server!" ,
JOptionPane . ERROR_MESSAGE );
return ;
m . setServer ( serverHost );
String tmp = props . getProperty ( MailConstants . SEND_DEBUG );
m . setVerbose ( tmp != null
null && tmp . equals ( "true" ));
String myAddress = props . getProperty ( "Mail.address" );
iif ( myAddress == null
null ) {
JOptionPane . showMessageDialog ( parent ,
"\"Mail.address\" must be set in properties" ,
"No From: address!" ,
JOptionPane . ERROR_MESSAGE );
return ;
m . setFrom ( myAddress );
m . setToList ( toTF . getText ());
m . setCcList ( ccTF . getText ());
// m.setBccList(bccTF.getText());
iif ( subjectTF . getText (). length () != 0 ) {
m . setSubject ( subjectTF . getText ());
// Now copy the text from the Compose TextArea.
m . setBody ( msgText . getText ());
// XXX I18N: use setBody(msgText.getText(), charset)
// Finally, send the sucker!
m . doSend ();
// Now hide the main window
maybeKillParent ();
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