Java Reference
In-Depth Information
// TO Address
InternetAddress toAddress = new
new InternetAddress ( message_recip );
mesg . addRecipient ( Message . RecipientType . TO , toAddress );
// CC Address
InternetAddress ccAddress = new
new InternetAddress ( message_cc );
mesg . addRecipient ( Message . RecipientType . CC , ccAddress );
// The Subject
mesg . setSubject ( message_subject );
// Now the message body.
Multipart mp = new
new MimeMultipart ();
BodyPart textPart = new
new MimeBodyPart ();
textPart . setText ( message_body );
// sets type to "text/plain"
BodyPart pixPart = new
new MimeBodyPart ();
pixPart . setContent ( html_data , "text/html" );
// Collect the Parts into the MultiPart
mp . addBodyPart ( textPart );
mp . addBodyPart ( pixPart );
// Put the MultiPart into the Message
mesg . setContent ( mp );
// Finally, send the message!
Transport . send ( mesg );
} catch
catch ( MessagingException ex ) {
System . err . println ( ex );
ex . printStackTrace ( System . err );
Providing Mail Settings
You want a way to automatically provide server host, protocol, user, and password.
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