Java Reference
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As with log4j , every Logger object has a given logging level, and messages below that
level are silently discarded:
public void
void setLevel ( java . util . logging . Level );
public java . util . logging . Level getLevel ( );
public boolean
boolean isLoggable ( java . util . logging . Level );
As with log4j , objects handle the writing of the log. Each logger has a Handler :
public synchronized
synchronized void
void addHandler ( java . util . logging . Handler );
public synchronized
synchronized void
void removeHandler ( java . util . logging . Handler );
public synchronized
synchronized java . util . logging . Handler [] getHandlers ( );
and each Handler has a Formatter , which formats a LogRecord for display. By providing
your own Formatter , you have more control over how the information being passed into the
log gets formatted.
Unlike log4j , the Java SE logging mechanism has a default configuration, so
Example 16-13 is a minimal logging example program.
Example 16-13.
public class
class Log14Demo
Log14Demo {
public static
static void
void main ( String [] args ) {
Logger myLogger = Logger . getLogger ( "com.darwinsys" );
Object o = new
new Object ();
myLogger . info ( "I created an object: " + o );
Running it prints the following:
C:> java logging.Log14Demo
Mar 8, 2014 7:48:26 PM Log14Demo main
INFO: I created an object: java.lang.Object@57f0dc
As with log4j , the typical use is in logging caught exceptions; the code for this is in
Example 16-14 .
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