Java Reference
In-Depth Information
* @param port The port number to listen on
protected ServerSocket getServerSocket ( int
int port ) throws
throws Exception {
return new
new ServerSocket ( port );
/** RunServer accepts connections and passes each one to handler. */
public void
void runServer ( int
int port ) throws
throws Exception {
s = getServerSocket ( port );
while ( true
true ) {
try {
Socket us = s . accept ();
Handler ( us );
} catch
catch ( IOException e ) {
System . err . println ( e );
return ;
/** Handler() handles one conversation with a Web client.
* This is the only part of the program that "knows" HTTP.
public void
void Handler ( Socket s ) {
BufferedReader is ;
// inputStream, from Viewer
PrintWriter os ;
// outputStream, to Viewer
String request ;
// what Viewer sends us.
try {
String from = s . getInetAddress (). toString ();
System . out . println ( "Accepted connection from " + from );
is = new
new BufferedReader ( new
new InputStreamReader ( s . getInputStream ()));
request = is . readLine ();
System . out . println ( "Request: " + request );
os = new
true );
os . print ( "HTTP/1.0 200 Here is your data" + CRLF );
os . print ( "Content-type: text/html" + CRLF );
os . print ( "Server-name: DarwinSys NULL Java WebServer 0" + CRLF );
String reply1 = "<html><head>" +
"<title>Wrong System Reached</title></head>\n" +
"<h1>Welcome, " ;
String reply2 = ", but...</h1>\n" +
"<p>You have reached a desktop machine " +
"that does not run a real Web service.\n" +
"<p>Please pick another system!</p>\n" +
new PrintWriter ( s . getOutputStream (), true
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