Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Nothing complicated about it. The last JLabel (“Monkey wrench in works”) is commented
out because, as noted, the LayoutManager throws an exception if the number of components
is not evenly divisible by the number of columns. It was put in during testing and then com-
mented out, but was left in place for further consideration. Note that this layout operates cor-
rectly with more than two columns, but it does assume that all columns are approximately
the same height (relaxing this requirement has been left as an exercise for the reader).
Finally, let's look at the code for the layout manager itself, shown in Example 14-13 . After
some constants and fields and two constructors, the methods are listed in about the same or-
der as the discussion earlier in this recipe: the dummy add/remove component methods; then
the preferredSize() and minimumLayoutSize() methods (which delegate to com-
puteLayoutSize ); and, finally, layoutContainer , which does the actual laying out of the
components within the container. As you can see, the entire EntryLayout layout manager
class is only about 140 lines, including a lot of comments.
Example 14-13.
// package com.darwinsys.swingui.layout;
public class
implements LayoutManager {
/** The array of widths, as decimal fractions (0.4 == 40%, etc.). */
class EntryLayout
EntryLayout implements
protected final
final double
double [] widthPercentages ;
/** The number of columns. */
protected final
final int
/** The default padding */
protected final
int HPAD = 5 , VPAD = 5 ;
/** The actual padding */
final static
static int
protected final
final int
int hpad , vpad ;
/** True if the list of widths was valid. */
protected boolean
boolean validWidths = false
false ;
/** Construct an EntryLayout with widths and padding specified.
* @param relWidths Array of doubles specifying relative column widths.
* @param h Horizontal padding between items
* @param v Vertical padding between items
public EntryLayout ( double
double [] relWidths , int
int h , int
int v ) {
COLUMNS = relWidths . length ;
widthPercentages = new
new double
double [ COLUMNS ];
for ( int
int i = 0 ; i < relWidths . length ; i ++) {
iif ( relWidths [ i ] >= 1.0 )
throw new
new IllegalArgumentException (
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