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Use the static UIManager.setLookAndFeel() method. Maybe.
If you wish to specify the entire look and feel for a program, set it with the static UIMan-
ager.setLookAndFeel() method; the name you pass in must be the full name (as a string)
of a class that implements a Java look and feel. The details of writing a look and feel class
are beyond the scope of this topic; refer to Java Swing or the Sun documentation. But using
these classes is easy. For example:
This must appear before you create the GUI of the program, and it can throw an exception if
the class name is invalid.
People sometimes like to show off the fact that you can change the look and feel on the fly.
As earlier, you call setLookAndFeel() , and then call the static SwingUtilit-
ies.updateComponentTree() for your JFrame and all detached trees, such as dialog
classes. But before you rush out to do it, be advised that the official Sun position is that you
shouldn't! The first edition of the official Java Look and Feel Design Guideline book says,
on page 23 (Oracle):
Because there is far more to the design of an application than the look and feel of components,
it is unwise to give end users the ability to swap look and feel while [running] your application.
Switching look and feel designs in this way only swaps the look and feel designs from one plat-
form to another. The layout and vocabulary used are platform-specific and do not change. For
instance, swapping look and feel designs does not change the titles of the menus.
The topic does recommend that you let users specify an alternative look and feel, presumably
in your properties file, at program startup time. Even so, the capability to switch while an ap-
plication is running is too tempting to ignore; even Sun's own Swing Demonstration (in-
cluded with the JDK) offers a menu item to change its look and feel. Figure 14-13 is my nice
little program in the Java style; see Example 14-10 for the source code.
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