Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The code for this is pretty simple. The part that might take a while to figure out is the Dimen-
sion of the screen. Two methods can help: getScreenSize() in the Toolkit class and the
static method getDefaultToolkit() . The Toolkit class relates to the underlying window-
ing toolkit; it has several subclasses, including two different ones for X Windows on Unix
(Motif and non-Motif), another for Macintosh, and so on. Put these together and you have
the Dimension you need.
Centering a Window is such a common need that I have packaged it in its own little class:
UtilGUI . Here is the complete source for UtilGUI , which I'll use without comment from
now on:
// package com.darwinsys.swingui;
public class
class UtilGUI
UtilGUI {
/** Centre a Window, Frame, JFrame, Dialog, etc. */
public static
final Window w ) {
// After packing a Frame or Dialog, centre it on the screen.
Dimension us = w . getSize (),
them = Toolkit . getDefaultToolkit (). getScreenSize ();
static void
void centre ( final
int newX = ( them . width - us . width ) / 2 ;
int newY = ( them . height - us . height )/ 2 ;
w . setLocation ( newX , newY );
/** Center a Window, Frame, JFrame, Dialog, etc.,
* but do it the American Spelling Way :-)
public static
static void
void center ( final
final Window w ) {
UtilGUI . centre ( w );
/** Maximize a window, the hard way. */
public static
static void
void maximize ( final
final Window w ) {
Dimension them =
Toolkit . getDefaultToolkit (). getScreenSize ();
w . setBounds ( 0 , 0 , them . width , them . height );
* Copy a string value to the system copy buffer
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