Java Reference
In-Depth Information
text = new
new JTextArea ( 40 , 40 );
cp . add ( text , BorderLayout . CENTER );
ok = new
new JButton ( "Close" );
cp . add ( ok , BorderLayout . SOUTH );
ok . addActionListener ( new
new ActionListener () {
public void
void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent evt ) {
dispose ();
pack ();
/** Display the stackTrace from the given Throwable in this Dialog. */
void showStackTrace ( Throwable exc ) {
CharArrayWriter buff = new
new CharArrayWriter ();
PrintWriter pw = new
new PrintWriter ( buff );
exc . printStackTrace ( pw );
pw . close ();
text . setText ( buff . toString ());
setVisible ( true
true );
See the program ErrorUtilTest in the darwinsys/src/test/java directory for an example of
running this program directly, and see ErrorUtilCatchTest in the same directory for an ex-
ample of using it with uncaught exceptions from the GUI thread as described.
Getting Program Output into a Window
You want to capture an input/output stream and display it in a text field.
The easy way is to subclass OutputStream or Writer as appropriate, and override just the
methods needed to get characters copied into the JTextArea . You may also want to redirect
System.out and System.err to the stream; see Discussion .
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