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[filename="src/main/java/gui/", language="java",
ERROR: Failed to load src/main/java/gui/
Figure 14-7 shows the program running; pushing the button produced this output:
You crashed thread AWT-EventQueue-0
Exception was: java..lang.RuntimeException: You asked for it.
Figure 14-7. ThreadBasedCatcher running
To display the caught exceptions, you may want to show each one in a dialog. My API class
com.darwinsys.swingui.ErrorUtil contains a method:
public static void showExceptions(Component parent, Throwable t)
The online version of ThreadBasedCatcher ( Action Handling Using Anonymous Inner
Classes ) uses showExceptions() , but was omitted from the topic to keep the code clearer.
This method displays the Throwable (and, if applicable, any nested exceptions) in an error
* Show the given Exception (and any nested Exceptions) in JOptionPane(s).
public static
static void
void showExceptions ( Component parent , Throwable theExc ) {
Throwable next = null
null ;
ddo {
String className = theExc . getClass (). getName ();
String message = className ;
iif ( theExc instanceof
instanceof SQLException ) {
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