Java Reference
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public class
class ButtonDemo2b
ButtonDemo2b extends
extends Applet {
Button b1 , b2 ;
ActionListener handler = new
new ButtonHandler ();
public void
void init () {
add ( b1 = new
new Button ( "A button" ));
b1 . addActionListener ( handler );
add ( b2 = new
new Button ( "Another button" ));
b2 . addActionListener ( handler );
class ButtonHandler
ButtonHandler implements
implements ActionListener {
public void
void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) {
iif ( e . getSource () == b1 )
showStatus ( "Thanks for pushing my first button!" );
showStatus ( "Thanks for pushing my second button!" );
Note that merely breaking the action handling code into its own class doesn't really contrib-
ute much to readability. But there is a way to use inner classes that does promote readability
and maintainability. We create an inner class (see Using Inner Classes ) for each event
source—each button, each menu item, and so on. Sounds like a lot of work, and it would be,
if you used the previous method. But there is a shorter way, using anonymous inner classes,
described next.
Action Handling Using Anonymous Inner Classes
You want action handling with less creation of special classes.
Use anonymous inner classes.
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