Java Reference
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The default for JFrame and JWindow is BorderLayout . This explains the problem of the
single button appearing in the JFrameDemo class at the end of the previous recipe. Border-
Layout divides the screen into the five areas shown in Figure 14-1 . If you don't specify
where to place a component, it goes into the center. And if you place multiple components in
the same region (perhaps by adding several components without specifying where to place
them!), only the last one appears.
Figure 14-1. BorderLayout's five regions
So we can fix the previous version of the JFrameDemo in one of two ways: either we can use
a FlowLayout or specify BorderLayout regions for the label and the button. The former be-
ing simpler, we'll try it out:
public class
class JFrameFlowLayout
JFrameFlowLayout extends
extends JFrame {
public JFrameFlowLayout () {
Container cp = getContentPane ();
// Make sure it has a FlowLayout layoutmanager.
cp . setLayout ( new
new FlowLayout ());
// now add Components to "cp"...
cp . add ( new
new JLabel ( "Wonderful?" ));
cp . add ( new
new JButton ( "Yes!" ));
pack ();
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