Java Reference
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public class
class RunOnEdt
RunOnEdt {
public static
throws Exception {
System . out . println ( "RunOnEdt.main()" );
SwingUtilities . invokeLater ( new
static void
void main ( String [] args ) throws
new Runnable () {
public void
void run () {
try {
JOptionPane . showMessageDialog ( null
null , "Hello Java" );
} catch
catch ( Exception e ) {
e . printStackTrace ();
Some books and articles on Swing GUIs do not mention Swing's thread-safety issues, but
you can read about it on Oracle's Java website . We will omit this code for brevity from most
of the simple demos herein , but production code should use it.
Designing a Window Layout
The default layout isn't good enough.
Learn to deal with a layout manager.
The container classes such as Panel have the capability to contain a series of components,
but you can arrange components in a window in many ways. Rather than clutter up each con-
tainer with a variety of different layout computations, the designers of the Java API used a
sensible design pattern to divide the labor. A layout manager is an object that performs the
layout computations for a container. [ 46 ] The AWT package has five common layout manager
classes (see Table 14-1 ), and Swing has a few more. Plus, as we'll see in Program: Custom
AWT/Swing Layout Manager , it's not that big a deal to write your own!
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