Java Reference
In-Depth Information
populate the frame. But some less-educated folk, and those in a hurry, often added compon-
ents directly to the frame. The Swing JFrame is more complex—it comes with not one but
two containers already constructed inside it. The ContentPane is the main container; you
should normally use it as your JFrame 's main container. The GlassPane has a clear back-
ground and sits over the top of the ContentPane ; its primary use is in temporarily painting
something over the top of the main ContentPane . Because of this, you need to use the
JFrame 's getContentPane() method:
public class
class ContentPane
ContentPane extends
extends JFrame {
public ContentPane () {
Container cp = getContentPane ();
// now add Components to "cp"...
cp . add ( new
new JLabel ( "A Really Simple Demo" , JLabel . CENTER ));
You can add any number of components (including containers) into this existing container,
using the ContentPane add() method:
public class
class JFrameDemo
JFrameDemo extends
extends JFrame {
private static
static final
final long
long serialVersionUID = - 3089466980388235513L ;
JButton quitButton ;
/** Construct the object including its GUI */
public JFrameDemo () {
super ( "JFrameDemo" );
Container cp = getContentPane ();
cp . setLayout ( new
new FlowLayout ());
cp . add ( quitButton = new
new JButton ( "Exit" ));
// Set up so that "Close" will exit the program,
// not just close the JFrame.
setDefaultCloseOperation ( JFrame . EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
// This "action handler" will be explained later in the chapter.
quitButton . addActionListener ( new
new ActionListener () {
public void
void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) {
setVisible ( false
false );
dispose ();
System . exit ( 0 );
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