Java Reference
In-Depth Information
There is an immense collection of software freely available to Maven users just for adding a <de-
pendency> element or “Maven Artifact” into your pom.xml . You can search this repository at ht-
tp:// or .
Figure 1-11 shows a search for my darwinsys-api project, and the information it reveals. Note that
the dependency information listed there is all you need to have the library added to your Maven
project; just copy the Dependency Information section and paste it into the <dependencies> of
your POM, and you're done! Because Maven Central has become the definitive place to look for
software, many other Java build tools piggyback on Maven Central. To serve these users, in turn,
Maven Central offers to serve up the dependency information in a form that half a dozen other
build tools can directly use in the same copy-and-paste fashion.
Figure 1-11. Maven Central search results
When you get to the stage of having a useful open source project that others can build upon, you
may, in turn, want to share it on Maven Central. The process is longer than building for yourself
but not onerous. Refer to this Maven guide or Sonatype OSS Maven Repository Usage Guide .
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