Java Reference
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URIs are the most general; a URI is parsed for basic syntax without regard to the scheme, if
any, that it specifies, and it need not refer to a particular server. A URL includes a hostname,
scheme, and other components; the string is parsed according to rules for its scheme. When
you construct a URL, an InputStream is created automatically. URNs name resources but
do not explain how to locate them; typical examples of URNs that you will have seen include
mailto: and news: references.
The main operations provided by the URI class are normalization (removing extraneous path
segments including “..”) and relativization (this should be called “making relative,” but
somebody wanted a single word to make a method name). A URI object does not have any
methods for opening the URI; for that, you would normally use a string representation of the
URI to construct a URL object, like so:
URL x = new URL(theURI.toString( ));
The program in Example 13-10 shows examples of normalizating, making relative, and con-
structing a URL from a URI.
Example 13-10.
public class
class URIDemo
URIDemo {
public static
static void
void main ( String [] args )
throws URISyntaxException , MalformedURLException {
URI u = new
new URI ( "" );
System . out . println ( "Raw: " + u );
URI normalized = u . normalize ();
System . out . println ( "Normalized: " + normalized );
final URI BASE = new
new URI ( "" );
System . out . println ( "Relativized to " + BASE + ": " + BASE . relativize ( u ));
// A URL is a type of URI
URL url = new
new URL ( normalized . toString ());
System . out . println ( "URL: " + url );
// Junk
URI uri = new
new URI ( "bean:WonderBean" );
System . out . println ( uri );
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