Java Reference
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String mediaName ;
/** The URL representing this media file. */
URL theURL ;
/** Construct the player object and the GUI. */
public JMFPlayer ( JFrame pf , String media ) {
parentFrame = pf ;
mediaName = media ;
// cp = getContentPane();
cp = this
this ;
cp . setLayout ( new
new BorderLayout ());
try {
theURL = new
new URL ( getClass (). getResource ( "." ), mediaName );
thePlayer = Manager . createPlayer ( theURL );
thePlayer . addControllerListener ( this
this );
} catch
catch ( MalformedURLException e ) {
System . err . println ( "JMF URL creation error: " + e );
} catch
catch ( Exception e ) {
System . err . println ( "JMF Player creation error: " + e );
return ;
System . out . println ( "theURL = " + theURL );
// Start the player: this will notify our ControllerListener.
thePlayer . start ();
// start playing
/** Called to stop the audio, as from a Stop button or menuitem */
public void
void stop () {
iif ( thePlayer == null
null )
return ;
thePlayer . stop ();
// stop playing!
thePlayer . deallocate ();
// free system resources
/** Called when we are really finished (as from an Exit button). */
public void
void destroy () {
iif ( thePlayer == null
null )
return ;
thePlayer . close ();
/** Called by JMF when the Player has something to tell us about. */
public synchronized
void controllerUpdate ( ControllerEvent event ) {
// System.out.println("controllerUpdate(" + event + ")");
iif ( event instanceof
synchronized void
instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent ) {
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