Java Reference
In-Depth Information
JMF was released long ago by Sun and has not been well maintained over the years. It is an
extension so it must be downloaded; there is a Maven dependency for it in the javasrc
Maven pom.xml file. Example 12-7 shows code that displays a movie or other media file
named on the command line. JMF is flexible; this program falls back to playing an audio file,
supplying a volume control, if the media object that you name contains a sound clip instead
of a movie. Figure 12-6 shows JMFPlayer displaying a sound file and a movie.
Figure 12-6. JMFPlayer in action: audio (left), video (right)
Example 12-7.
public class
class JMFPlayer
JMFPlayer extends
extends JPanel implements
implements ControllerListener {
/** The player object */
Player thePlayer = null
null ;
/** The parent Frame we are in. */
JFrame parentFrame = null
null ;
/** Our contentpane */
Container cp ;
/** The visual component (if any) */
Component visualComponent = null
null ;
/** The default control component (if any) */
Component controlComponent = null
null ;
/** The name of this instance's media file. */
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