Java Reference
In-Depth Information
You can ask the MediaTracker for its status at any time using the method status(int ID ,
boolean load) , which returns an integer made by or -ing together the values shown in
Table 12-1 . The Boolean load flag, if true, tells the MediaTracker to start loading any im-
ages that haven't yet been started. A related method, statusAll() , returns the inclusive or
of any flags applying to images that have started loading.
Table 12-1. MediaTracker status values
Downloading of at least one item was aborted.
COMPLETE Downloading of all items completed without error.
Something went wrong while downloading at least one item.
Downloading is ongoing.
You can shorten the previous code by using the Swing ImageIcon class, which includes this
functionality. The ImageIcon class has several constructor forms, one of which takes just a
filename argument. ImageIcon uses a MediaTracker internally; you can ask for its status us-
ing the ImageIcon 's getImageLoadStatus() method, which returns the same values as Me-
diaTracker 's statusAll()/statusID() .
Reading and Writing Images with javax.imageio
You want to read a file, transform it, and write it back out.
Use the static ImageIO class from javax.imageio package; it provides static read() and
write() methods.
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