Java Reference
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You can then use any Graphics2D methods or any regular Graphics methods, getting to
them with the object reference g2 . One of the additional methods in Graphics2D is
setPaint() , which can take the place of setColor() to draw with a solid color. However, it
can also be called with several other types, and in this case we pass in an object called a Tex-
turePaint , which refers to a pattern. Our pattern is a simple set of diagonal lines, but any
pattern or even a bitmap from a file (see Drawing an Image ) can be used. Figure 12-4 shows
the resulting screen (it looks even better in color); the program itself is shown in
Example 12-3 .
Figure 12-4. TexturedText in action
Example 12-3.
public class
class TexturedText
TexturedText extends
extends JComponent {
private static
long serialVersionUID = 8898234939386827451L ;
/** The image we draw in the texture */
static final
final long
protected BufferedImage bim ;
/** The texture for painting. */
TexturePaint tp ;
/** The string to draw. */
String mesg = "Stripey" ;
/** The font */
Font myFont = new
new Font ( "Lucida Regular" , Font . BOLD , 72 );
/** "main program" method - construct and show */
public static
void main ( String [] av ) {
// create a TexturedText object, tell it to show up
static void
final Frame f = new
new Frame ( "TexturedText" );
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