Java Reference
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// Same as above but for the height
int textY = ( getSize (). height - fm . getAscent ())/ 2 - fm . getDescent ();
iif ( textY < 0 )
textY = getSize (). height - fm . getDescent () - 1 ;
// Now draw the text at the computed spot.
g . drawString ( message , textX , textY );
public Dimension getPreferredSize () {
return new
new Dimension ( 100 , 100 );
public static
static void
void main ( final
final String [] args ) {
final JFrame jf = new
new JFrame ();
jf . add ( new
new DrawStringDemo2 ());
jf . setBounds ( 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 );
jf . setVisible ( true
true );
Figure 12-2. Font metrics
This is so common that you'd expect Java to have encapsulated the whole thing as a service,
and in fact, Java does do this. What we have here is what most GUI component architectures
call a label . As we'll see in Chapter 14 , Java provides a Label component that allows for
centered (or left- or right-aligned) text and supports the setting of fonts and colors. It also of-
fers JLabel , which provides image icons in addition to or instead of text.
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