Java Reference
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nameRE = Pattern . compile ( sb . toString ());
} catch
catch ( PatternSyntaxException ex ) {
System . err . println ( "Error: RE " + sb . toString () +
" didn't compile: " + ex );
/** Do the filtering. For now, only filter on name */
public boolean
boolean accept ( File dir , String fileName ) {
File f = new
new File ( dir , fileName );
iif ( f . isDirectory ()) {
return true
true ;
// allow recursion
iif ( nameRE != null
null ) {
return nameRE . matcher ( fileName ). matches ();
// TODO size handling.
// Catchall
return false
false ;
public String getName () {
return name ;
Exercise for the reader: in the online source directory, you'll find a class called FindNumFil-
ter , which is meant to (someday) allow relational comparison of sizes, modification times,
and the like, as most find services already offer. Make this work from the command line,
and write a GUI frontend to this program.
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