Java Reference
In-Depth Information
myPort . setSerialPortParams ( BAUD , SerialPort . DATABITS_8 ,
SerialPort . STOPBITS_1 , SerialPort . PARITY_NONE );
// Get the input and output streams
is = new
new BufferedReader ( new
new InputStreamReader ( thePort . getInputStream ()));
os = new
new PrintStream ( thePort . getOutputStream (), true
true );
/** Hold a conversation - in this case a *very* simple one. */
protected void
void holdConversation () throws
throws IOException {
System . out . println ( "Ready to read and write port." );
os . println ( HELLO );
String response = is . readLine ();
System . out . printf ( "I said %s, and the other end replied %s%n" ,
HELLO , response );
// Finally, clean up.
iif ( is != null
null )
is . close ();
iif ( os != null
null )
os . close ();
See Also
The online source includes javacomm/ , which provides a framework for
using Java Communications API; it does pretty much all the work except for actually reading
or writing. You subclass CommPortOpen and write a converse() method to read and write on
the InputStream and OutputStream , which are exposed as the inherited fields is and os ,
Table 10-5 lists additional programs in the online source package.
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