Java Reference
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System . out . println ( "Creating Directory: " + dirName );
iif (! d . mkdirs ()) {
System . err . println (
"Warning: unable to mkdir " + dirName );
dirsMade . add ( dirName );
System . err . println ( "Creating " + zipName );
FileOutputStream os = new
new FileOutputStream ( zipName );
InputStream is = zippy . getInputStream ( e );
int n = 0 ;
while (( n = is . read ( b )) > 0 )
os . write ( b , 0 , n );
is . close ();
os . close ();
break ;
case LIST:
// Not extracting, just list
iif ( e . isDirectory ()) {
System . out . println ( "Directory " + zipName );
} else
else {
System . out . println ( "File " + zipName );
break ;
default :
throw new
new IllegalStateException ( "mode value (" + mode + ") bad" );
Finding Files in a Filesystem-Neutral Way with
getResource() and getResourceAsStream()
You want to load objects or files without referring to their absolute location in the filesystem.
This can be because you are in a server (Java EE) environment, or just because you want to
be independent of file paths, or because you expect users to deploy the resource “some-
where” on the classpath (possibly even inside a JAR file).
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