Java Reference
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However, sometimes you may want to allow a class to evolve in a compatible way, but you
can't immediately replace all instances in circulation. You must be willing to write code to
account for the additional fields being discarded if restoring from the longer format to the
shorter and having the default value (null for objects, 0 for numbers, and false for Boolean) if
you're restoring from the shorter format to the longer. If you are only adding fields and meth-
ods in a reasonably compatible way, you can control the compatibility by providing a long
int named serialVersionUID . The initial value should be obtained from a JDK tool called
serialver , which takes just the class name. Consider a simple class called Serializ-
ableUser :
public class
class SerializableUser
SerializableUser implements
implements java . io . Serializable {
public String name ;
public String address ;
public String country ;
public String phoneNum ;
// other fields, and methods, here...
static final
final long
long serialVersionUID = - 7978489268769667877L ;
I first compiled it with two different compilers to ensure that the value is a product of the
class structure, not of some minor differences in class file format that different compilers
might emit:
$ javac
$ serialver SerializableUser
SerializableUser: static final long serialVersionUID = -7978489268769667877L;
$ jikes +E
$ serialver SerializableUser
SerializableUser: static final long serialVersionUID = -7978489268769667877L;
Sure enough, the class file from both compilers has the same hash. Now let's change the file.
I go in with an editor and add a new field, phoneNum , right after country :
public String country;
public String phoneNum;
// Added this line.
$ javac
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