Java Reference
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such as a String , that data will get serialized properly. In other words, writeObject works
recursively . And carefully: if an object is referenced multiple times, it will only be serial-
izeed once. So, we can give it a List of MyData objects.
To be serializable, the data class must implement the empty Serializable interface. Also,
the keyword transient can be used for any data that should not be serialized. You might
need to do this for security or to prevent attempts to serialize a reference to an object of a
nonserializable class.
That said, making a class Serializable is not a decision that should be taken lightly. Con-
sideration should be given to enforcing class invariants during serialization, writing defens-
ive readObject or readResolve methods, initializing transient variables, etc.
Here transient is used to prevent unencrypted passwords from being saved where they
might be readable:
/** Simple data class used in Serialization demos. */
public class
class MyData
MyData implements
implements Serializable {
private static
static final
final long
long serialVersionUID = - 4965296908339881739L ;
String userName ;
String passwordCypher ;
transient String passwordClear ;
/** This constructor is required by most APIs */
public MyData () {
// Nothing to do
public MyData ( String name , String clear ) {
setUserName ( name );
setPassword ( clear );
public String getUserName () {
return userName ;
public void
void setUserName ( String s ) {
this . userName = s ;
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