Java Reference
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return false
false ;
The ContLineReader class ends with code for handling the read() calls so that the class
will work correctly. The IndentContLineReader class extends this to allow merging of lines
based on indentation. Example 10-9 shows the code for the IndentContLineReader class.
Example 10-9.
public class
class IndentContLineReader
IndentContLineReader extends
extends ContLineReader {
/** Line number of first line in current (possibly continued) line */
public int
int getLineNumber () {
return firstLineNumber ;
protected String prevLine ;
/** Read one (possibly continued) line, stripping out the '\'s that
* mark the end of all but the last.
public String readLine () throws
throws IOException {
String s ;
// If we saved a previous line, start with it. Else,
// read the first line of possible continuation.
// If non-null, put it into the StringBuffer and its line
// number in firstLineNumber.
iif ( prevLine != null
null ) {
s = prevLine ;
prevLine = null
null ;
else {
s = readPhysicalLine ();
// save the line number of the first line.
firstLineNumber = super
super . getLineNumber ();
// Now we have one line. If we are not in continuation
// mode, or if a previous readPhysicalLine() returned null,
// we are finished, so return it.
iif (! doContinue || s == null
null )
return s ;
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