Java Reference
In-Depth Information
There are about 80 subdirectories in javasrc (under src/main/java ), too many to list here.
They are listed in the file src/main/java/index-of-directories.txt .
I have built up a collection of useful stuff, partly by moving some reusable classes from
javasrc into my own API, which I use in my own Java projects. I use example code from it
in this topic, and I import classes from it into many of the other examples. So, if you're go-
ing to be downloading and compiling the examples individually , you should first download
the file darwinsys-api-1. x .jar (for the latest value of x ) and include it in your CLASSPATH.
Note that if you are going to build the javasrc code with Eclipse or Maven, you can skip this
download because the top-level Maven script starts off by including the JAR file for this
This is the only one of the repos that appears in Maven Central ; find it by searching for dar-
winsys . The current Maven artifact is:
This API consists of about two dozen com.darwinsys packages, listed in Table 1-2 . You will
notice that the structure vaguely parallels the standard Java API; this is intentional. These
packages now include more than 200 classes and interfaces. Most of them have javadoc doc-
umentation that can be viewed with the source download.
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