Java Reference
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In certain circumstances (such as a server program with no connection back to the user's ter-
minal), System.out and System.err can become very important debugging tools (assuming
that you can find out what file the server program has redirected standard output into; see
Discussion ) .
System.out is a PrintStream connected to the “standard output”—whatever that is on your
operating system and your runtime environment—so in every introductory text you see a
program containing this line, or one like it: [ 34 ]
System . out . println ( "Hello World of Java" );
The println method is polymorphic; it has several forms for Object (which obviously calls
the given object's toString( ) method), for String , and for each of the primitive types
( int , float , boolean , etc.). Each takes only one argument, so it is common to use string
System . out . println ( "The answer is " + myAnswer + " at this time." );
Remember that string concatenation is also polymorphic: you can “add” anything at all to a
string, and the result is a string.
System.err is a PrintStream connected to “the standard error output”—again, whatever
that means in your environment. In a lot of cases, it makes no difference which of the two
outputs you use. But using System.err sends a clear signal that the output you are convey-
ing has some importance as an indication of failure. On a dumb terminal output, these
streams will be indistinguishable. However, most IDEs will use color highlighting in the
Console view when you run an application. For example, Eclipse (see Compiling, Running,
and Testing with an IDE ) will show the standard output in black or blue, but the standard er-
ror stream in red; this makes it easy to find actual errors when there is a lot of nonerror out-
Up to here I have been using a Stream , System.out , or System.err . What if you want to
use a Writer ? The PrintWriter class has all the same methods as PrintStream and a con-
structor that takes a Stream , so you can just say:
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