Java Reference
In-Depth Information
cons.readPassword("Password:") . This method returns an array of bytes, which can be
used directly in some encryption and security APIs, or can easily be converted into a String .
It is generally advised to overwrite the byte array after use to prevent security leaks when
other code can access the stack, although the benefits of this are probably reduced when
you've constructed a String as we do in the simple example shown in Example 10-1 .
Example 10-1. src/main/java/io/
public class
class ReadPassword
ReadPassword {
public static
void main ( String [] args ) {
Console cons ;
iif (( cons = System . console ()) != null
static void
null ) {
char [] passwd = null
null ;
try {
passwd = cons . readPassword ( "Password:" );
// In real life you would send the password into authentication code
System . out . println ( "Your password was: " + new
new String ( passwd ));
} finally
finally {
// Shred this in-memory copy for security reasons
iif ( passwd != null
null ) {
java . util . Arrays . fill ( passwd , ' ' );
} else
else {
throw new
new RuntimeException ( "No console, can't get password" );
Writing Standard Output or Standard Error
You want your program to write to the standard output or the standard error stream.
Use System.out or System.err as appropriate.
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