Java Reference
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Using CLASSPATH Effectively
You need to keep your class files in a common directory, or you're wrestling with
Set CLASSPATH to the list of directories and/or JAR files that contain the classes you want.
CLASSPATH is one of the more “interesting” aspects of using Java. You can store your class
files in any of a number of directories, JAR files, or ZIP files. Just like the PATH your sys-
tem uses for finding programs, the CLASSPATH is used by the Java runtime to find classes.
Even when you type something as simple as java HelloWorld , the Java interpreter looks in
each of the places named in your CLASSPATH until it finds a match. Let's work through an
The CLASSPATH can be set as an environment variable on systems that support this (Mi-
crosoft Windows and Unix, including Mac OS X). You set it the same way you set other en-
vironment variables, such as your PATH environment variable.
Alternatively, you can specify the CLASSPATH for a given command on the command line:
C:\> java -classpath c:\ian\classes MyProg
Suppose your CLASSPATH were set to C:\classes;. on Windows or ~/classes:. on Unix (on
the Mac, you can set the CLASSPATH with JBindery). Suppose you had just compiled a file
named into HelloWorld.class and tried to run it. On Unix, if you run one of
the kernel tracing tools ( trace , strace , truss , ktrace ), you would probably see the Java
program open (or stat , or access ) the following files:
▪ Some file(s) in the JDK directory
▪ Then ~ /classes/HelloWorld.class , which it probably wouldn't find
▪ Finally, ./HelloWorld.class , which it would find, open, and read into memory
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