Java Reference
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public interface
interface MyFunctionalInterface
MyFunctionalInterface {
int compute ( int
int x );
This could be used to process an array of integers as:
public class
class ProcessIntsFunctional
ProcessIntsFunctional {
static int
int [] integers = { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 };
/** Function to be called with an int and a Function;
* just apply the function to the int and return the result
static int
int doTheMath ( int
int n , Function < Integer , Integer > func ) {
return func . apply ( n );
public static
static void
void main ( String [] args ) {
int total = 0 ;
for ( int
int i : integers ) {
// Call doTheMath with 'i' and a Lambda for n^2 +1
total += doTheMath ( i , k -> k * k + 1 );
System . out . println ( total );
If compute were a nonfunctional interface—having multiple abstract methods—you would
not be able to use it in this fashion.
To ensure that a given interface is and remains functional, there is a @FunctionalInterface
annotation, whose use is analogous to @Override (both annotations are in java.lang ). It is
always optional, and is always used to ensure that a given interface conforms to the contract
of being a functional interface. Our preceding interface could sport the annotation like so:
public interface
interface MyFunctionalInterface
MyFunctionalInterface {
int compute ( int
int x );
If somebody later working on the code were to add an additional method:
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