Java Reference
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Simplifying Processing with Streams
You want to process some data through a pipeline-like mechanism.
Use a Stream class and its operations.
Streams are a new mechanism introduced with Java 8 to allow a collection to send its values
out one at a time through a pipeline-like mechanism where they can be processed in various
ways, with varying degrees of parallelism. There are three types of methods involved with
Stream s:
▪ Stream-producing methods (see The Collections Framework )
▪ Stream-passing methods, which operate on a Stream and return a reference to it, to allow
for “fluent programming” (chained methods calls); examples include distinct() , fil-
ter() , limit() , map() , peek() , sorted() , unsorted() , and more
▪ Stream-terminating methods, which conclude a streaming operation; examples include
count() , findFirst() , max() , min() , reduce() , sum() , among others
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