Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1-9. IntelliJ class typed in
Finally, you can click the green Run button, or context-click in the source window and select
Run , and have your program executed. As you can see in Figure 1-10 , the output will appear
in a console window, as in the other IDEs.
Mac OS X includes Apple's Developer Tools. The main IDE is Xcode. Unfortunately, cur-
rent versions of Xcode do not really support Java development, so there is little to recom-
mend it for our purposes; it is primarily for those building non-portable (iOS-only or OS
X-only) applications in the Objective-C programming language. So even if you are on OS X,
to do Java development you should use one of the three Java IDEs.
How do you choose an IDE? Given that all three major IDEs (Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ)
can be downloaded free, why not try them all and see which one best fits the kind of devel-
opment you do? Regardless of what platform you use to develop Java, if you have a Java
runtime, you should have plenty of IDEs from which to choose.
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