Java Reference
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Using Lambda Predefined Interfaces Instead of Your Own
You want to use existing interfaces, instead of defining your own, for use with Lambdas.
Use the Java 8 lambda Functional interfaces from java.util.function .
In Using Lambdas/Closures Instead of Inner Classes , we used the interface method ac-
ceptCamera() defined in the interface CameraAcceptor . Acceptor-type methods are quite
common, so the package java.util.function includes the Predicate<T> interface, which
we can use instead of CameraAcceptor . This interface has only one method— boolean
test(T t) :
interface Predicate
Predicate < T > {
boolean test ( T t );
This package includes about 50 of the most commonly needed functional interfaces, such as
IntUnaryOperator , which takes one int argument and returns an int value; LongPredic-
ate , which takes one long and returns boolean ; and so on.
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